Prepare for the Surprise with UncleLarrysBand

UncleLarrysBand sets you up for a surprise. We get right into is with “All I Want.” It sounds more like the hip hop of the early ’90s in that it has this aggressive, yet playful demeanor. We go more for a club vibe with “In May City.” Here, it’s a party and the energy is both compelling and inviting. By the time we hit up “Karma,” we’re in the here and now with this modern feel to the rhymes. Then we get to “Love’A Terrible Thing to Waste.” Here things take a turn towards the unexpected. It’s this slow, light jazz track that comes out of left field after all the rap. It’s a good song, but a little odd to hear in the mix. UncleLarrysBand can do both, but needs to focus on one or the other – I’d go with the slow jams. His voice is great to listen to in that manner. (