Singer-Songwriter Tony DeStefano
Tony DeStefano is a singer-songwriter who can really write a tune. “Me And You” sounds like it could use some fine tuning. That’s all technicalities though. Other than that the lyrics that are chalked full of love are sweet. The musical intro of “I Don’t Want to Lose You” is just stellar and is matched by wonderful thought out lyrics once again. We step away from the romance and into the patriotic with “America In Need” and take a stance, while we head to church with the folky ways of “God Is With Us. Tony DeStefano sounds like he’s been working in music for a good while. It’s got this antiqe quality that older music fans will appreciate because they grew up in a time before music was delivered in a overly processed package and was just raw. If you like singer-songwriters that have that feel, check out Tony DeStefano today. (