Sky is the Limit for Skye

Skye Darocknerd Floyd is a name one can never forget. Why? Because look at it. It is likely no one else on Facebook is likely to have that on their profile, and no one else in music has dared to try it. That is the first thing that Jasmine Skye has going for her; originality. Simply put though, Skye is an R&B diva in the making. She has a sultry way of delivering her songs, but keeps things light enough that they could pass for pop songs as well. Think Rihanna and Beyonce. Born in North Carolina, Skye does not appear to be heading south anytime soon as far as her career is concerned. Songs like Tempo give off a nice, smooth impression and showcase her natural vocal ability. It Won’t Be The Last Time sounded like a young Destiny’s Child track and Best! actually placed third if one was ranking all three tracks in an Olympic style match. Gold going to It Won’t Be The Last Time, Silver to Tempo and of course Bronze to Best! Skye is a young woman with a great set of pipes, so do not be surprised to see her name in lights one day. (