“You’re Fine” by Silvertung
Of the metal meccas found stateside, few are as storied as Baltimore. The city has been a junction for northern and southern bands meeting and making incredible history together for decades, and in 2021, it finds fine representation in Silvertung’s latest single, the brutish but melodic “You’re Fine.” As anthemic as a Dio-era Sabbath track yet devoid of the camp that much of the progressively-stylized hard rock to emerge in recent years has been steeped in, “You’re Fine” is a smothering tribute to the heavy music of yore that plants its feet in the future of the genre wholeheartedly.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/silvertung_official/
You can’t beat the intensity of riffage like this, and I like that the guitar parts in this single sound powerful and overwhelming no matter where the volume knob sits. There’s something really profound and demonstrative of this band’s depth in the sheer physicality of the strings as they rocket through the center of the mix fearlessly, and if any of Silvertung’s future work rocks as hard as this song does, I don’t know that they’ll have to worry about keeping their bills paid thanks to the boisterous material they’re stamping their name on.
The music video and the single both share some incredible production quality elements that do a lot to emphasize the intricacies in the content, but it’s important to note that the sparkle factor isn’t where any of the legit catharsis in “You’re Fine” is sourced. That comes purely from the music itself, and more specifically the emotion with which the band plays it. If substance over flash is you’re thing as a metalhead, you’re not likely to find another band as dedicated to keeping the genre clean of the nonsensical dribble so many commercial acts have incorporated into their own work as Silvertung is.
Silvertung are rising through the ranks rapidly this year, and their connection with both each other and the craft is the reason why. “You’re Fine,” more than anything else, is a vehicle for providing insight into their chemistry and what they intend to do with it in the years that follow. They’re barely scratching the surface as far as their potential is concerned, and if they’re able to expand on the themes laid out in this most recent effort, they’re going to see themselves making the proper transition from underground sensations to mainstream pioneers before they know it. These riffs don’t lie, and once you’ve heard “You’re Fine,” you’re going to see exactly what I mean.
Zachary Rush