Albert Bernicky’s Canadian Country

Albert Bernicky is a Canadian country singer that shows so much roots, you’d think he was Nashville born and raised. Usually you hear a lot of songs coming from the American south about patriotism, so we often forget about other countries and their pride. Bernicky does a great job at bringing that wholesome pride to the North with “Canadian Soldier.” It captures everything he set out to say and delivers. Back in 1998 Mark Wills released “Don’t Laugh At Me” and it became an instant anthem for any and all who had been a victim of bullying and Albert Bernicky took it on to dedicate to his fans who have had or are going through that same ordeal. His cover is an acoustic rendition and showcases the raw passion of the lyrics. If you’re in the market for a new country artist, then make sure to check out one that is heartfelt and true like Albert Bernicky. (