Approaching Dawn’s Metal Outlook On Life
Middle school seems like so long ago, but I remember it like it was just yesterday. The boy of my dreams was in love with bands like Black Sabbath and Metallica. I on the hand was standing proud with my Backstreet Boys notebook in hand. It is a wonder we are not together over a decade later. While I wasn’t heading to the pit when I was younger, thanks to MTVs TRL, I got to know a variety of bands and even came to appreciate the likes of Korn and System of a Down. My brother was a metalhead as well, so when I started to listen to Approaching Dawns music, I was not that scared…As some might be. It is that abrasive style of metal that sounds like car crashes, but soothes the soul to those who find solace in the riffs. Songs like Grimoir and 21st Century Darkside are great examples of what Approaching Dawn is all about. Other songs that keep the adrenaline going are Syndrome, Copy of a Space and Death Contest. If you are not open minded and rather head to see Michael Buble, then this is not for you. Approaching Dawn is more for the folks who cannot wait for Ozzfest to be revived this May. Sounds like you, then check them out. If not, move along, nothing to see here. (