Conceptz – Splash
Conceptz – Splash
It’s a late night out on the town. The vibe won’t die and neither will the brightness of the stars lighting up the sky above us. The boys are going out to get some girls, and on this ride, it really pays to be a part of Conceptz’ posse. Highrowglyphfix and Short Fuze, the two brothers who comprise the Conceptz brand, are taking us out for a night that we’ll never forget and making big waves doing it in their new single “Splash,” which has got everyone in the hip-hop world abuzz with talk of their stylish, ultra-cool vocal attacks that create fireworks in any listener’s soul.
“Splash” is over the top and packed full of spitfire rapping that knows no limit to its indulgent use of imagistic lyrics and varying degrees of aggression to get the audience on the same level the Conceptz is on. Fans of minimalism will want to steer clear, because there isn’t any time to get out of the way of the sheer velocity levied at us around every twist and turn that track takes us on, for better or worse (although it’s always better when these two are in charge of the mic). The four walls of a studio can’t contain their energy, and your speakers might not fare much better.
You’re not anticipating the force that they deliver. Conceptz almost creeps out of the darkness and assaults you with sonic ferocity from behind. It’s jarring and laced with adrenaline, but experienced hip-hop aficionados will appreciate their totally uninhibited delivery. Short Fuze works the swagger end while Highrowglyphfix steers the timber of the bottom, and their combined efforts send shockwaves through the floorboards and shake everyone and everything until we’re all moving to the beat of their electro-symphonic rhythms alongside them.
As if the power of the song wasn’t enough, the video for splash is certain to grab anyone’s attention for all of the most sinful reasons. Conceptz aren’t afraid to shy away from the more explicit side of hip-hop, and that’s something that’s pretty refreshing to see and hear these days, when it seems like so many of their contemporaries have become straight-laced and afraid to get controversial, steamy or vicious. That isn’t a problem for this crew, and the idea of ever losing their edge is almost laughable to them both. When you’re this good at something, you don’t mess with the formula.
It’s awesome to see artists who are willing to stand tall and dare to be different than the rest of their crowd, even if it means pushing the envelope now and again to get your point across. “Splash” is a forbidding, chest-beating slice of organic muscle and tone served up to us raw and ready to be consumed all in one sitting, and if you can’t take the heat that it radiates, you might not be cut out for what the future of pop music is going to sound like, look like and inspire. I for one can’t wait to see Conceptz take the reins.
Zachary Rush