Far and Few: Voices of Silence

far-and-few-reviewFar and Few is a singer songwriter but not in the traditional way you’re thinking. He’s less coffee shop and more CBGB.  “Revelation” sounds a little like a sci-fi movie’s ending. The climax is over and done and things are wrapping up with a victory lap. This song would be great company for the ending credits. That was Far and Few’s latest, but he has a whole record for listeners to enjoy called “Vows of Silence.” There you’ll find a surprising pop punk like stance with “Struggle and Sleep.” It lands somewhere between ’90s alternative and the ’00s Warped Scene. You find that same tone in “Crush” Each song has extensive lead ins that are great for music purists, but those who like to get things started right away might back away. They shouldn’t because one things kick in, they’re awesome if this is the kind of music you’re into. Fans of New Found Glory and MXPX should look alive and check out Far and Few’s “Vows of Silence” and his single “Revelation.” You can hear the growth and it’d be awesome to see where he goes next musically. (https://www.far-and-few.com/home)