Feel the Christmas Spirit with a Brand New Christmas Song

Christmas Is Around the Corner So Feel the Spirit with This New Single

Sapphire, North Carolina – In tough times like these, it is not easy to cope with everything going around you. Buddy Mix’s new single, “Think About Santa Claus” will help listeners take their mind off their troubles, remember happy times, inspire hope, release doubt, move toward the light.  The catchy whistling will leave you with an earworm that is sure to keep you in the holiday spirit.

The new track by Buddy Mix is a song that will help people end a tumultuous year on a happier note. It is a classic Christmas song the family can jam to. Be it on a Christmas morning or Christmas eve, this traditional-style song will never fail to make your day.

Buddy Mix has created this song to remind people of all the goodness of the holiday season. “Think About Santa Claus” will once again revive the spirit of the holidays in homes everywhere.

It has a strong message that urges families to revive their relationships and come together for the holidays. The year may have been rough on people, but it should not affect how holidays are celebrated.

Be sure to check this new track out and show it some love. Visit YouTube, SoundCloud, or any other major platforms to find out more about this track.




Buddy Mix has always been inclined to music production. Even through college, he was into making music and creating tracks that bring joy to people. He has spent years learning this craft and aims to spread it across the world to people.

With “Think About Santa Claus,” he aims to share many messages. One of them is that music can bring joy to anyone. He also wants to show people that the best tracks are made when the artist puts his heart and soul into them.

The song’s message is meant to unite men and women together and bring families closer to each other. This song’s brilliant craftsmanship is another significant factor that makes it an excellent choice for the holiday season.



Buddy Mix
18707 Rosman Highway
Sapphire, North Carolina 28774
[email protected]
(828) 384-5043



Main website https://www.mymitb.com
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypEW8fDlUcU&list=PLNv-SbGEqIiyw-Gy2qi1EC6qhFzwUgAsZ
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/buddymixofficial/posts/226562338839538?notif_id=1606440390390489&notif_t=page_post_reaction&ref=notif
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/buddymixofficial/
Twitter https://twitter.com/buddy_mix
SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/buddy_mix