Hottest artist from FL- Sizzle
Jacksonville, FL — Friday, September 20th, 2019 — Sizzle is here to revivify Hip Hop. Sizzle has paved a lane of his own in this music era, staying true to real music with message and connection within. His ability to harmonize and rap flawlessly within one track is remarkable. Sizzle lives by the motto of God First above all and Selflessness second.
Sizzle’s music is available on all major platforms. His number 1 streaming service is Spotify.
To touch one and teach one is the greatest gift we can offer one in life. His fans will always remain the flames that keep him lit.
Sizzle has released a new EP, named Timeless that reached more than 9,000 streams within the first few weeks. He released a number of singles including Outta Control, that was released earlier part of 2019 that has reached 30,000 streams, God Showed Out, and 2 B Loved, which was made in the sense of relating to the current view of relationships.
Sizzle has no limits when it comes to his creativity. He has something to offer in just about every area of creativity. From songwriting for not only himself but he is able to write for others effortlessly. He can write an entire song within hours. He also has started a collection of scripts he has written. From cartoons to movies, Sizzle has an impeccable creative ability to capture an idea and deliver it.
It only takes one stroke of a flame to light a forest on fire. Support the flames that Sizzle spits. Download, stream, like and share real music.
Steve Hardeman, better known as his stage name Sizzle, is a Florida-based rapper-singer-songwriter that has an extraordinary way of blending his lyrical flow with harmonies that hit the core of his listener’s emotions. He was born and raised in Jacksonville, FL. Since the early age of 9, Sizzle had a passion for music running through his veins and the way it was pieced together. Sizzle’s avid lyrics and expressive harmonies expose a truly relatable artist who has the power to provoke a profound response. His name arose due his lyrical talented being considered “hot” or “fire”, which is a term for extremely good, from that he birthed Sizzle.
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This article first appeared on Press Release