Jackson Ward – Goodbye Trouble

Jackson Ward – “Goodbye Trouble”

Primary URL: https://www.jacksonwardmusic.com/

My Score: 9/10

Virginia based band Jackson Ward seems to be making all the right moves. This latest CD entitled “Goodbye Trouble” has received critical acclaim from many music critics and his impressive hybrid sound of Country/Rock/Pop is turning people’s ears and heads. Their dramatic crescendos, minimalist intensity, through intricate harmonies have elicited comparisons to Kenny Chesney, Jake Owen, Jason Aldean, Tim McGraw and Eric Church.

As JW’s popularity spreads far beyond their roots, this releases and subsequent single: “Goodbye Trouble” (Drink by Drink) continues to meet embracing live audiences across the country. With equal parts sweetly anthemic, pop tinged Country, provided by ward’s somewhat gritty, passionate Americana Roots sound, “Goodbye Trouble” is an intrepid step for this band. Each track though simplistic, has a ton of dynamics, you almost forget its simplicity and the fact that there is so much going on track to track if you listen carefully. Once “I’m All In” came on, I kept replaying it over and over.  It is a ballad packed with so much tension yet much emotion.  Some track almost enough to make me cry because finally I am hearing an artists that is baring his soul not under false pretense like everyone else I the feeble attempts to make some mundane record label happy. Lucky for me, I’m not the lovey-dovey’ type. All jokes aside, it’s a wonderful song. “A Little While” and the single: “Goodbye Trouble (Drink by Drink) don’t really let up either and are both equally as impressive. “Beer for Breakfast” and “The Grand Tour” are a bit polarizing compared to each other. My favorite track is a toss-up between “I’m All In” and “A Little While.”

I usually don’t like it when critics use the term “musical journey”— even though I’ve done it myself on a few occasions.  For me it usually means it’s a journey you don’t want to go on, and the critic is just being nice.  But listening to the music of Jackson Ward the cliché applies quite appropriately and almost emotionally. “Goodbye Trouble” does exactly what it’s designed to do – inspires the soul.  These songs are beautifully performed and will have the listener drifting off into various emotional landscapes—if I may take the liberty to sound so corny.  I get the same sensation with Ward as I do with all the aforementioned artists and yes he’s in good company.

When listening to the vocal greats, there’s nothing to be nitpicky about.  Nothing to pinpoint and say, “Aha, this is where they screwed up!”  You simply get lost in the music, to the point of not wanting to find your way out.  Soulful vocal enthusiasts that love tried and true Country based Pop  – all this and more defined  Jackson Ward.

Social Networking:

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/jacksonwardmusic

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/JacksonWardBand

– Ashley Thomas. Approved by Cyrus Rhodes.