James Anthony Walker Releases Transcendental Work

Ambient Music Is Food For The Mind

Santa Barbara, CA – July 21, 2020- Ambient artist James Anthony Walker is hoping to take fans to a new spiritual plane. His collection of songs is more finding one’s self and discovering more than just sounds for the ears.

Walker’s work is entirely produced in my home studio. Songs like “Agape” and “Surrender” are about God’s love and surrendering to spirituality. The direction of his work focused on the continued development of ambient soundscapes for the purposes I have described, and also, the development of works which serve to bring to light the interconnectedness of people’s humanity through the incorporation of the common tenets of the world’s great wisdom paths.

Composer and musician Reverend James Anthony Walker spent countless hours as a child listening to music. Music is a love affair that James has had all his life. As a musician, James chose so many avenues to express his love of music over his early years. His career continued beyond college. Jame’s plans for the future are continuing to create ambient sounds for wellness and transformation. He hopes to develop a body of work dedicated to spiritual and emotional wellness, where people’s abilities to be present in the moment is somehow enhanced.

To listen to more of his music, or to contact James Anthony Walker for an interview on their site, podcast, or radio show can reach out via the information provided below.

For more music from James Anthony Walker, please visit:


James Anthony Walker
[email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheArtOfJim
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/jamesanthonywalker
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6lS6JofMwwHFRh1qh6LvnC

This article first appeared on ArtistPR.com Press Release