K-Town hot new upcoming artist
Richmond, Missouri — K-town is a hot new upcoming artist. His music is about real life experiences and he put 100 percent in his music that anyone can find on any platform.
Life is too short to waste go all in $
Check out his music, personally guarantee all love it thank all who support 🙏🏾.
K-town wanna thank God the fans and all who support 💯 K-town have a lot of good music and new music coming soon.
Find K-town music here:
K-town is a rap artist from Leavenworth Kansas on the come up fast.
Name: Shawn Alexander
Address: 511 Cunningham, Richmond, Missouri
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 8164008351
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lastkingsproductionsllc?mibextid=ZbWKwL
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ktownlastkings?t=1wwu7S34wVeimRqyzVhAiA&s=09
YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCD2ujF1OZqgNfYG0yOvXchQ
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0iqiNIld6446BL1waU0ljB?si=PopOcvfbSg-eqtFt6Bg77w&utm_source=copy-link
Source: ArtistPR