Laney Jones – Golden Road
Artist: Laney Jones
CD: Golden Road
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Since releasing her first studio album “Golden Road” in 2013, the Florida native now turns heads in Boston, Massachusetts while attending Berklee College of Music on scholarships for songwriting and bluegrass studies. In addition to juggling the responsibilities of a college student, Laney has been touring up and down the East Coast, appearing as an emerging artist at music festivals such as Falcon Ridge Folk and Grey Fox Bluegrass. In autumn of 2013, Laney received the prestigious honor of representing Berklee at the Kennedy Center’s American Voices festival where she performed a moving rendition of her original song “Broken Hearts” at a masterclass with the legendary Alison Krauss.
The Review: So as luck would have it I stumble across the latest CD by Florida resident Laney Jones entitled “golden Road”. This artist is clearly punching all the right tickets in her attempt to make a very real cheerful reaction with listeners. Jones has released a few albums thus far in her musical career and from what I’ve read is touring aggressively around the region. I’ve also read his live show is to die for. First off let me just say I really love happy and cheerful songwriting that’s pure and genuine. Looking back at the last 20-30 years there have been some truly amazing artists that fit within this realm that gave us the music and songs that are for the ages. Some go through the motions but a few have a special component that you can really groove to. Artists like Paula Cole, Mindy Smith, Erin McKeown, The Wailin’ Jennys and Michelle Shocked. These artists are diamonds in the rough and no-one can deny the impact such diverse music has upon our musical pop culture. What am I trying to say? Laney Jones is like many of the pre-mentioned bands/artist. When you hit play and listen to the first few grand slam tracks: “Broken Hearts”, “Devil Down” and “Black Coffee” you will quickly be blessed and enlightened by the musical presence of this artist. “Golden Road” is to me a monumental concept album or a journey if you will with so many musical and spiritual layers it should be heralded as a gem. But besides this it will encourage you to dance or maybe tap your foot. The strong suit of these 10 songs is how well they just groove. The amazing combination of Americana guitar, rhythms, harmonica, vocals, ukulele, earthy beats and rhythms and yes even Kazoo all behind the impeccable vocals really hits home. The melodies and lyrics are somewhat clairvoyant, and the vocal harmonies provide the perfect reinforcements just where they need to be.
“Golden Road’ by Laney Jones is truly an invigorating ride. If you feel depressed listen to it and you will feel better (via above link). This is why Jones was put here on Earth, to make us feel better through his music. All through the brilliant mindset and musical psyche of Jones. At the end of the day he deserves a lot of credit for being true to herself and making the aforementioned connection. In the end it’s a triumphant and celebratory return of feel good Folk-Pop that is tangible and not super tacky. Its strong suit is the amazing arsenal of songs and melodies Jones brings to the table via powerful yet light hearted lyrics, passion, power, vision and a superlative songwriting craft that goes much deeper that the next Independent Artist.
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– Albert Rogers