Love for music is a great emotions that makes life colorful, it gives strength, energy and moments of happiness.

Giresun, Giresun, Türkiye — Light up your surroundings with your brightest smiles and have fun because it’s going to be a fabulous new month. Welcome to the month of blessing and fulfillment. May the rest of your days be unforgettable.

The artist is currently working on the release of a New single “So closer to You”. It is a song about an illusion, a transparent soul that brings love, peace, happiness and hope. All the singer’s songs bring peace and love to the world, nature and humans. When want true love, harmony is beautiful.

First of all believe in yourself and get it under your control, no matter what anybody say.

“So closer to You” – Linda’s new single will be released soon and is still in the progress.

Currently, work is also ongoing on the release of the young singer’s first album. It will be an album about eternal love for the Universe, there will be a compilation of all the songs in a new modern version. The first music album will be released next year.


Help keep making the music love, Support on the website page.

Thank You so much!




Linda is a multi-artist – singer, songwriter, actress, model, professional makeup artist, stylist, designer. She studied as an amateur theater director at the Latvian College of Culture and as an actress at the Latvian Academy of Culture, where she also acquired her first vocal skills in classical music. Music has been like a very big love of the heart, which is like meditation for Linda, so for many years the artist has studied vocal art with professional teachers of classical and pop music. The singer has participated in many international competitions and festivals, where she also gained experience – FESTIVAL VIVA LA MUSICA the Canary Islands International Online Music Festival;
World Championship in Performing Arts
Art (WCOPA) Virtual competition to receive a certificate of achievement and a medal – BRONZE VOCAL, GOLD MODEL; INTERNATIONAL SONGWRITING COMPETITION (ISC) 2020 – Off
26,000 songs, my son was nominated for semi-final.
You can listen to the singer’s music here:




Linda Brasle
Name: Linda Brasle
Address: Rudens iela 6B, Giresun, Giresun, Türkiye
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +90 (534) 289 98 30
Press Kit:*1l0a0fc*_gcl_au*MzMwODc2ODc1LjE2ODQzMTQ0NTM




Source: ArtistPR