Making A Change For The World

Pittsburg, PA — Tuesday, June 1st, 2021 — Bringing a new approach to music, and taking on a brave new approach using my music and platform to help bring and end racism, Women abuse, Attack on LBGTQ Community. Boldly reaching out to really make a change to bring the world one step closer to unity.

J. Star has always had a passion to help people in need and those that were bullied. Why? Because nobody cares about others. Only themselves. Everyone can learn to find passion deep inside their hearts, and work on putting themselves in the other persons shoes, and get a clear idea what they are going through. All this bringing us together can only happen if we are all serious about making a pure change. You can find this in all of my songs and music

J. Star has always had a passion to see people happy. End depression, and end hate. Radio interviews have been a welcome promotional tools for his music and goals. The support from fans is super positive and they are happy to see someone take a stand to try to make this happen

J. Star has made an major impact on Soundcloud. What makes him different from any other artist? What drives him to care so much about others to try to help make it a better world?

Full page story ad on the up and coming new singer J. Star. Who’s music will bring a change to the music industry.

Be sure to visit J. Star’s website. Or any of his social media to hear his music, and listen to the lyrics. You can buy them anywhere on any music app including ITunes, Spotify, Youtube Music, Deezer, Amazon etc.





J. Star music has the beats that will captivate you. Bring you to tears or have your head bobbing. Top 40 music beat. But powerful lyrics behind the music   Sneak peek his music.



Jeff Williams