Rachel Lynn Sebastian – Raven Heart
URL: https://www.rachellynnsebastian.com/
Rachel Lynn Sebastian released her latest 12 Track CD back in 2013 entitled “Raven Heart.” Sebastian is a pop/rock/soul artist from rural Oregon who has been proclaimed “Adele’s competition” by Hollywood Life T.V.. She has toured all over the world including major stays in London, Seoul, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok and Saigon. In 2013 Rachel completed both a 30-state tour in the United States as well as a two-month solo tour in Europe promoting this album.
The rhythms and slow burning vocals coupled with the mind blowing lyrics will cause you to think and comprehend life itself from an electrifying dance-hooky perspective shall we say. With a list of artistic and professional achievements as long as my arm I suspect Sebastian is not new to this. In fact it’s quite clear to me that this California based vocalist is not only experienced, she could probably be heralded as someone to keep a watchful eye on. Seems as if VANS WARPED TOUR agrees with this last comment.
In music, delivering breathless performances and challenging conventional wisdom are often deliberate efforts to establish a marketing niche, but for Sebastian it feels like a natural state of mind and being. Many of her past releases garnered rave reviews from music critics. I am going to one of them however these new songs violate the modern requirement that pop and rock music provide instant gratification. Whatever the case this 12 track collection is a finely tuned balancing act that speaks volumes about Sebastian. Along the path one will find vivid songwriting and evocative emotions. “Raven Heart” is also swimming in the deep end of the pool with acts such as Sara Bareilles, Christina Perri and even Lorde. Many of these songs more closely resemble modern dance pop songs in terms of length and musical form, but this is not to say it’s only element. “Happy” gently rolls out through a roughly 4 minutes intro piece of music ranging from alt rock, progressive rock, sonic chill and even course classic pop styles. Others like “Crazy, Crazy, Carzy”, “It’s Me” and the title track are slightly more elusive. “Sunday Night Fever” and “Ornery” are more memorable ones for me.
My Top Tracks: “Crazy, Crazy, Crazy”, “Faithful Sunshine” and the title track.
In the pleasant malaise of sound and songs-manship this CD, be prepared to be set adrift on a electrifying sea of emotions. Other times awry in happy thoughts, sometimes displaying a dry “been there done that” sense of humor. Finally her amazing voice and artistic presence really seals the deal for me in the end, especially how high and low along the emotional spectrum she travels. Rachel Lynn Sebastian – she’s’ world class any way you look at her.
Lawrence Sheffler. Approved by Cyrus Rhodes