Stepping into The Folk and Rock Music World; Introducing to The World, A Rising Star Ezra Vancil. Back Better Than Ever – Conducting Interviews For A New Band, Better Than Ever

Ezra was disheartened by the slow progress of his work and was adamant about leaving his musical dreams in the middle of his career. Before Ezra could leave his dreams, a musical record idea came up that is all set to change his musical career by continuing his dreams and bringing in the best to the musical world.

Dallas, Texas  –  May 01, 2021 – Ezra Vancil is a touring artist. Vancil has been the lead singer in several popular regional Texas-based bands over the decades. He has performed at Kerrville Folk Festival ‘New Folk’ quite a lot of times. Vancil had a stable career in music until Mid March; this is until the pandemic hit the world. As the pandemic hit, the world was shaken up by the storms of the virus, and Ezra’s music career and new Album Project started losing their clout. As the COVID – 19 outbreak continued, Vancil started losing hope of building a career in music.

Things took a turn when Vancil was traveling to Florida for the concert. Ezra took his family and him whenever he played by the beach; this is because his family loved spending time around the beach. At this time, Vancil’s twelve-year-old daughter Cozi started songwriting and took guitar and singing lessons. Halfway through the journey, Vancil received a call that said that the event was called off. Vancil and his family had to stay in Florida due to the COVID – 19 guidelines. During this time, Vancil’s life turned around at a three-sixty degree.

Ezra worked with his daughter Cozi on her songwriting skills. He started making her practice on the songs that he planned on releasing soon afterward. Vancil had never imagined that he would be asking his twelve-year-old daughter to sing with him as a duet for his new album “The Family Songbook.” Recording the song was a challenge since all studios had been shut down due to the pandemic. Vancil and his daughter recorded their song “Parables” in Nashville along with the help of Vancil’s friends Chirs Brush and Jon Estes, who laid drums and bass tracks on the beautiful song. Parables became the first single of the new record that Ezra and Cozi recorded. Never in a million years would Vancil have imagined that his daughter would be singing for the album he had dedicated to his family. After Parables, cozi added her vocals to many other songs of the album.

In late 2020, Ezra decided to form a band with cozi and other members to conduct interviews to revive his music dreams. Cozi and Vancil found inspiration for their music by sharing their passion for music among themselves. The new band is known as “Cozi and the Flounder” tentatively and will be releasing its first EP in late 2021.

Here is how some of the best critiques out there are praising “The Family Songbook.”
“…one of the finest releases in 2020 from any genre.” —

“Ezra Vancil’s The Family Songbook is a work without peer and, even if it isn’t a perfect artistic endeavor, it deserves plaudits for delving deep into a subject few songwriters can even begin to address.” —

“Cozi Vancil’s contributions to the title song are among her finest moments. The vocal melodies are a consistent strength of this album song after song.” —

“Ezra Vancil’s The Family Songbook is one of the most fully realized albums in the singer/songwriter mold that I’ve heard in recent years. ” — Colin Jordan

” He finished his album despite the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, and The Family Songbook stands as one of the most important releases in 2020.” —





Ezra Vancil is an American singer and songwriter based in Dallas, Texas. In the past, he has written, and recorded rock, pop, and experimental genres, a more mature Vancil has now found a sense of permanent belonging and connection within the community of Americana artists. His life experiences shared in songs can be serious and contemplative – touching on themes of addiction, depression, and divorce – but Vancil chronicles his escape from the darkness with expressions of hope and love of life that are both inspiring and healing.

Vancil’s proclivity of creating music pointed directly at heart has been well received by fans that kept him in consecutive home concerts from 2018 to 2020. He is currently working on a new EP, rehearsing with a new band for shows in late 2021, and completing an EP with his daughter Cozi Vancil due in winter 2021.




Name: Ezra Vancil
Email: [email protected]




