The Radio Hour – Radio Power
The Radio Hoor releases Radio Power
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Alternative Rockers Tim Hort and company under his musical moniker “The Radio Hour” just released his latest CD entitled “Radio Power” in 2015. Hort hails from Chicago of all places. He brings a dark yet comical spin on life, and we all know how well music reflects life. With this kind of comical approach to modern day alternative rock we’ve seen similar bands like The Horrors, Wall of VooDoo, Stan Rodgeway, Miles Kane and Manic Street Preachers achieve huge scale success. On “Radio Power” you’ll hear the A-typical Punk/Americana concoctions with a hint of Alternative Folk Rock via some enticing piano/guitar driven groves. I like to call this kind of genera mind numbing rock. Personally it’s my favorite style of music to listen to. Hort combines all of the above with an above average vocal style and a solid signature sound. A highly anticipated CD from a singer songwriter, featuring all original heartfelt songs via standard 4 piece delivery. Hort began focusing his already dramatic, moody and emotionally charged material in a theatrical format. Hort then switched playing live, being recognized as “Best Live On-air Performances,” by 95.1FM WILL, appeared on Chicago’s Q101 and as a live performance finalist for Billboard Music/Discmakers Independent Live Music Showcase. “The Radio Hour” has scored several full theater productions including Chicago DanzThatre Ensemble as well as many other choreographed productions, voiceovers and soundscapes.
All 13 arrangements offer much in the way of captivating musical performances and a diverse spectrum of sound that runs full circle. Let me start by saying “Radio Power” is the perfect title for a spaced out CD like this – but beware it has a slightly tragic side. It makes a good first impression with the lead off track “Tuesday.” Besides modern day Funkadelics one can also appreciate the hint of Soul and splash of neo-punk. The underlying theme here is no-doubt punk based and alt-folk the array of instrumentation offers everything one would expect. Besides the a-typical (bass/guitar/drums) one can also enjoy balanced musicianship throughout. There is also an R&B-Funk-Rock like quality is the perfect foundation for some of this songwriting. In this aspect they remind me of Supergrass, Beck and Primal Scream. Some songs push hard while a few touch on heartfelt balladry and while other pieces provide an intoxicating rocked out groves. The beginning, middle and end of the album incorporates all of the aforementioned styles into a whirlwind of musical delight that slowly fades out as humbly as it begins on the final track “Mainstreaming. The song that had the biggest impact upon me as a listener was “The Killing Stone”.
BOTTOM LINE Tim Hort’s latest release “Radio Power” makes a lasting impression upon the listener. I might add this is not his only release. Hort and all his skills make for a deadly combination. They sound comfortable together not holding anything back and their eccentrically good songwriting is never one called into question. “Radio Power” creates an inviting musical setting that highlights all the good about eccentric trippy alt-rock and folky-psychedelic music. All songs offer a wide array of musical depth and structure – offering a great balance set of songs.
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Cory Jacobs