The Royal Guard are back!

The Royal Guard

5 songs from “Hail the King”


So who are The Royal Guard? The Royal Guard is Todd Davidson (Lead Vocals, Guitar), Andy Ascolese (Guitar, Vocals), Fred Scragg (Drums). Upon returning back home to NYC after living 5 years in Eastern Europe, Todd was ready to create, exciting music that can reach young people. First he called Fred. They worked great together but something was missing. The next call was to Andy and everything started falling into place. Their Sophomore release is due out early Next year but for now the band has given us 5 new tracks to chew on available on their Reverbnation Page linked at the bottom.

To me this is a 90s-style neo-classic progressive rock project with a wide range of influences, including Fishbone, Soundgarden, Faith No More, Muse and even Tool to Prefect Circle. In my own words The Royal Guard composes richly-layered tunes about life, heartbreak, love, sacrifice, memories, joy, triumph, toil and other realities of humankind. Their lyrics and sensational performances reveal life’s extraordinary moments and via Davidson’s own vivid, personal adventures. Imagine Michael Patton (Faith No More) starting a band with Alice in Chains. Now you have a clear picture. Their latest effort to be released in 2015: “Hail the King” features these 5 songs and right from the start they delivers a strong and diverse collection of music that really showcases all the powerful elements of powerful Alternative Rock with a late 90’s musical personality. “Hail the King” will no doubt make a splash and prove to be very enjoyable. For the more mainstream crowd it will sound like it belongs in your older record collection. All song structures are well developed and pretty complex all around – straight ahead 4 piece delivery. Vocals and writing are stellar. I might add some of the greatest songs of all time will tug at your heart and mind. This whole album starts in grand fashion with “I Wanna Know” and “Why Can’t We Be Together” 2 gripping pieces. “Save Me” and “Hail the King” sealed the deal and had me convinced what I was holding something extraordinary in my hands.

Davidson delivers raw melodic vocal emotions. The music shows this is a band of substance and character. Lush musical textures open up many songs flawlessly providing well placed guitar, electronic keys, keyboards, drums/beats, and sporadic background vocals with layered sound effects.  It’s true much of this upcoming release “Hail the King” gives way to a more stripped back roots of classic Rock n’ Roll of the 90’s.  I look at The Royal Guard and I see a modern day Faith No More. The passionate baritone from Davidson meshed with the top flight musicianship from all involved, and an impressive writing style make an impact. All of the aforementioned culminate into a great CD that will have its share of magical moments no doubt – but it’s mostly a good Alternative Hard Rock package worthy of your time.


9/10 Stars

Jimmy Kaufman. Approved by Cyrus Rhodes.