Versatile Singer Songwriter Abby Posner
Wrap yourself inside the eclectic sounds of California’s Abby Posner, a versatile singer songwriter playing her way across the Golden Coast with an intoxicating blend of musical genres. In her bag of tricks, Posner plays nearly everything from bluegrass and jazz to folk and indie rock, working with multiple acts while composing her own solo material.
The spring of 2011 saw the release of her debut record, The Gatherer and the Thief, featuring six tracks of imaginative, folksy rock driven by everything from mandolins to accordions. Her organic and fun sound is unmistakable, as is her soft, yet strong vocal tone and thoughtful lyrics. Posner remains busy with her bluegrass group Fearmia, as well as her own work, and will be releasing the full length record entitled For You, The Spring later this year.