BC Bops To Tony Sour’s “Sour Patch Bounce”
By Byron Burnett
Vancouver DJ Tony Sour is no newcomer on the dance music scene. For quite some time he has been tagged as being the future of the Canadian music world. He’s amassed accolades over the years in the Great White North for not only his turntable skills but for his role as record company CEO (Blue Label Records) and for his talent as a producer and writer.
Sour Patch Bounce is the first single from an upcoming multi-song compilation promised to be released on his label later this year. If it’s any indication of what Tony Sour is capable of then the future of Canadian music is in competent hands indeed. While only released a couple of weeks ago it has attracted hundreds of thousands of house music hungry listeners to his SoundCloud page (https://soundcloud.com/tonysour/sour-patch-bounce-tony-sour-radio/s-3uXFm/) to hear what the funky phenomenon is all about.
On its debut week at radio Sour blew up the charts across North America with the Bounce and left both jocks and listeners wanting more. Maybe it’s the track’s aggressive keyboards counterpointed against a gritty bass line that’s been cranked up to overdrive, or maybe it’s just the sharply honed hook line, but whatever it is it works some mega musical magic on audience who’ve reported hearing it around the world. My Japanese girlfriend in Tokyo told me the kids in the clubs have even created their own dance for it when their favorite DJs give it a spin, so ‘domo arigato’ Mr. Sour.
Since I was one of those many listeners left wanting more I did a Google search to find more from the Blue Label Record head honcho. While I was unsuccessful in regard to that mission I find something very interesting. The British Columbia producer, DJ and CEO has generously offered to share the spotlight that’s been radiating from the release of the Sour Patch Bounce with other DJs in the dance music industry. Along with his label and Sub Pac he’s hosting a re-mix competition. An invitation has been extended to all DJs, producers and recording studio rats to submit their mixes of the single. So, are you feeling lucky, Punk? Then give it a shot: wavo.me/tonysour/sour-patch-bounce-remix-competition. There will be various prizes for the best entries.