Brad Killian And His Message From Above
Brad Killian creates heartfelt and endearing for those who follow the good book’s word. His powerful vocals resonate with a preacher who can take control in an instant with his sermons. Killian isn’t just for Sunday; his music is for anytime you want that Holy Spirit flowing through you. “Creator God” showcases that booming voice in a way that resonates with a feeling of goodness. While that one is a bit serious, “I Don’t Know” has a lighter tone and overall is more fun, maybe the most fun to come from Killian’s catalogue. Things get more serious with “Ready for the Gaze” but you hardly notice as you’re engulfed in Killian’s killer vocals. His performances on these well produced tracks are for fans of Christian music and those who are looking for music that’s more positive than anything. If that’s you, check out Brad Killian now. (