Craig Lawrence Taylor and His Dance of the Sonic Mind Record

Craign Lawrence Taylor’s Dance of the Sonic Mind is like the soundtrack to an eerie tale, a movie where a lot of off things happen — A movie made in an era were eccentricities were accepted by the masses. Songs like “The Sun Is Shinin” sound dark despite the title and give off a grimey feel. You get a look inside Taylor’s mind with “Deep Inside My Mind” and it’s a doozy. The vocals come in second to the music, which isn’t loud and fast, just loud and in your face; make sense? He creates a world in which only the peculair would live with “Slow Motion” and “Lizard in the Desert.” If you are the kind of person who likes things a little off the path labeled “normal,” especially your music — then Craig Lawrence Taylor is just the thing you have been looking for. Check out his album, out now. (