Dwayna Litz – I’m the Girl I Used to Know Again


URL: https://www.dwaynalitz.com/


This latest CD from Dwayna Litz “I’m the Girl I Used to Know Again” is refreshing. It has original songs reminiscent of the country/rock/bluegrass LA-Sound-of-the-70s with songs written similar to the style of early Linda Ronstadt but with a contemporary surprise like Norah Jones. Recorded in the top studios of NYC and Nashville, Dwayna has a sound all her own. There are elements of pop, country, R&B and bluegrass in this soulful compilation available at CD BABY and I-TUNES.

Dwayna co-wrote with Sam Lorber (“Cry like a Baby”), Hubert Eaves III (“Yes I Would”) and Jeff Franzel (“All Because Of You”) on this CD. Tony Guerrero is also featured playing trumpet on one of the songs. This is her 9th release to date, CD was released in 2014.

Does all of the above sound “destiny driven” to you? Litz has taken a page from the script of many mega pop artists and turned it inside out, inside out and quite literally breathed a whole new life into this style of music. Instead on this incredibly balanced 10 Track collection of music which in itself is a homage paid to the music and musical ideals of the present and the past that goes everywhere from pop, modern pop, blues. The end result a CD that will literally inspire and suck you in. “I’m the Girl I Used to Know Again” delivers an uncharacteristic fusion of melodic vocals, and a awe-inspiring songwriting/production touch and grace that keeps the music loose yet powerful. Musical influences include: Dixie Chicks, Corinne Bailey Rae, Kylie Minogue, Carrie Underwood, Madeleine Peyroux and Stacey Kent. “Yes I Would” and “Cry Like a Baby” literally make a lasting first impression. With her smooth voice the lyrics and subject matter channel positive energy straight from the heart and soul. I believe every note Dwayna Lityz sings. “Place in the Road” and “All Because of You” keep the flow going and encouraged me to turn the volume up. Other track like title track and “All I Meant to Say” and oh so sweet and make a real connection with the listener. It ends with a funky, bluegrass rendition of “This Train is Bound’ for Glory” trecorded with Scott Coney, Randy Kohrs and Tim Crouch in Nashville.

“I’m the Girl I Used to Know Again” by Dwayna Litz plays out like most pop artists from the 70’s-90’s. Yes – there’s a whole lot of “truth telling” going on here. But let me go on record by saying this album is definitely one of my favorite mood-pop CD’s I’ve heard in recent memory. It’ definitely tugs at your heart strings with messages that are real. You cannot fake this music. The songs definitely come from a place of personal experience meant to make you world a brighter place. I realize how corny this music sound – but it’s so true with Litz and her messages. Unlike most artists of this modern ilk, the music of Litz never feels like it’s forced upon you either like many superficial artists that seem stuck in time. Indeed many feel good pop has lost i’s way these days. These types of retro sounding records let one see into the scope and the breadth of an artist, so you could really understand so much more than their music. Bottom Line: this is about living life, and pursuing a dream, falling in Love, loving one another. Dwayna Litz has created a great foundation for your heart to springboard from and has crafted tunes with a gifted hand. This CD may not be for everyone but it’s still a highly enjoyable listen, and admittedly, growing on me with every spin.

YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/DwaynaLitzMusic

Raymond Twitty. Approved by Cyrus Rhodes