Exclusive Interview with Kendra and the Bunnies

Hi Kendra! Thanks for taking the time to chat with us today! 

Thanks for inviting me to interview!

How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business? 

The internet has impacted the music business for the better in a lot of ways. Digital EPKs, streaming, and even Facetiming for pre-production or songwriting sessions have allowed music production to become more efficient. Which means, I find myself having more time with my instrument. However, it also means I am oftentimes glued to my laptop and phone to keep up with posting content and splicing emails. 

What do you like most about creating music? 

I love the story of the song. It’s so wonderful when I write a song that truly represents my perspective. It is the feeling of being fully present. Present through a creative realm. 

Are there any musicians who inspire you? What qualities do you admire most about them? 

Many artists inspire me. I’d say the busiest musicians are the ones that catch my eye. It shows a treasure trove of experience and expression. 

Lately, I’ve been inspired by Demi Lovato’s vulnerability through her songwriting, and I am enjoying witnessing Gwen Stefani 2.0.

Tell us about your favorite performance in your career!!

My favorite performance so far was at The Mint in January 2020. I hit every note perfectly, had a group of friends there to support, and finished the set with a spoken word poem. It was rad, and I absolutely love that venue. A close runner up is: The Resident DTLA in January 2020 also. Where I debuted the song “Requiem for a Night Sky”.

What draws you to the Indie genre? 

I am drawn to the willingness to be original when it comes to indie art. It’s raw and unfiltered. Indie music is whatever the artist wants it to be. Indie music is less traditional when it comes to song length too. I can really dig long jamming songs and quick punchy 2.5 minute songs like “White Rabbit”.

What is the best piece of advice another musician/artist ever gave you? 

“It’s a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll, and if you do, you have to keep trucking.”

Please tell our readers how they can stay up to date with you in 2021!

I just released a new EP of remixes. Check it out here: https://snd.click/cm3ulx

‘Kendra & the Bunnies’ streaming on all music platforms

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/kendraandthebunnies

IG: @kenbunny

TWITTER: @kenbunny

Listen to my podcast, buy merch & books, learn more about me: https://linktr.ee/kenbunny

Thank you for your time!

For Press Inquiries: [email protected]

End of Interview