Inteview with Mark and the Tiger

Welcome Mark! Happy we can chat today.  Tell us how you are doing? What has this time of social distancing been like for you? Has it given you more time to focus on music or do you find it more difficult?

Hi! Thank you so much for talking to me. I’m actually almost embarrassed to say that I’ve really been enjoying my time in isolation. Granted, I have the perfect situation for it: My husband is still working a bit, we don’t have kids, and I work part-time with horses so I have something that forces me to get out of the house and be outside in a way that is still separated from people. It’s been such a great time to work on my music and dive into all the projects that I’ve been making excuses to put off.

We would love to hear more about you and what your musical journey has been like.

It’s been interesting that’s for sure I still feel like I’m at the beginning of this journey. Thus far, it’s been an adventure in getting over my own ego! For a while I was writing songs that I thought people wanted to hear, songs that would sell. But they never felt authentic. I never really loved those songs. I’ve finally gotten to a place where I’m writing songs and performing for myself more than anyone else and it has made my art so much better!

Have you written any new music this year – any plans to release anything?

I’m definitely releasing new music! I’ll actually be putting out a new single sometime towards the end of the month. And then my Debut EP will be out by the beginning of June! I can’t wait for them both. And in the meantime I’m trying too use this time to write as much as I can.
What music are you listening to the most right now? Any particular artist?

I’m loving Harry Styles’ new album! It really speaks to an esthetic and sound that I want to explore! And then I always go back to my old standards: Florence and the Machine, Stevie Nicks, Fleetwood Mac. And I’ve been on a really nostalgia kick too. Yesterday I was listening to the Spice Girls when I drove out to the barn to check on the horses.

Tell us your favorite quarantine snack?

I’m trying to perfect my croissant making skills! So far I’m on batch 2 and they’re getting better each time. Maybe batch 3 will be the winner!

Anything else you would like to share with our readers?

I just started a podcast to help the quarantine days go by faster! It’s called “Adventure Attitude” and it’s a series of interviews with people to talk about the experiences that have shaped and changed their lives. Essentially, it’s a celebration of adventures in all shapers and sizes! You can find it on Apple Podcasts or else follow this link:

You can also check out my website: for all new information on my upcoming music and events!
Press Inquiries:  [email protected]

End of Interview