Introducing Max Maria Boostclipper

New Dance Music Out Now


Fallingbostel, Germany – August 27, 2019 – Over the past six months Max Maria Boostclipper has released almost a dozen new dance tracks that usher her skills into the spotlight.

Max Maria Boostclipper has been making music for the past two decades. Starting in her early 30’s, she took her passion for movement and sound and married them into a cascade of dance music. When pressing play on a Max Maria Boostclipper track, one is instantly welcomed by the embrace of a fine-tuned dance tracks that span from laid back tracks such as “I Cry With You” to her latest powerhouse single, “A Swallow, on My Lap.”

Each track brings something new to the table while taking you deeper into the world of sound Max Maria Boostclipper has created. Those interested in featuring new music on their dance playlists, reviewing her music, or interviewing Max Maria Boostclipper can reach out via the information provided below.

To hear Max Maria Boostclipper’s latest single, “A Swallow, on My Lap,” head here:


Max Maria Boostclipper puts her 20 years of making music to good use with her newest dance tracks.

Max Maria Boostclipper
Franka Wegner
[email protected]



This article first appeared on Press Release