My Luv Notes “Snake Charmer”
Take some hip-hop beats, erotic vocal swagger of the rarest variety, cunning lyricism and, of course, a swinging rhythm that could make even the most hardened of wallflowers want to hit the club, and you end up with “Snake Charmer,” the aptly-titled new single from My Luv Notes that’s out now everywhere that independent music is sold. “Snake Charmer” mixes R&B melodies with a hip-hop confidence that is anything but derivative, and though it’s on par with what My Luv Notes has been building her young career around, it’s definitely one of the hottest looks that she’s shared with us to date.
The vocal track is at the center of the sonic storm in this single, and while the synthetic grooves that shadow our singer’s every utterance are smooth, enticing and wholly evocative, they’re never as expressive an entity as the serenade that binds everything together here is. My Luv Notes sounds a lot fiercer in this song than she has in past efforts; it’s almost as though she’s tapping into a different side of her artistry than she had in the subtle Words Cry LP, a record that introduced many of us to her signature singing style. She’s definitely showing some growth in this release, to say the least.
An underlying urgency infects the rhythm of the instrumentation from the moment that we first make contact with it at the start of the song, and ultimately it’s what makes the chorus here as tense and captivating as it is. “Snake Charmer” doesn’t necessarily rewrite the playbook for making an impactful R&B single, but there’s no arguing that My Luv Notes was thinking outside of the box when she constructed its tempo as deliberately as she did. Some real thought went into this piece, which isn’t always the case among the crop of her contemporaries in the mainstream.
Despite the lack of catharsis in the chorus, where tension reigns supreme over every other emotional component in the music, “Snake Charmer” is a really sweet slow jam that doesn’t lean too heavily on its creator’s influences when it comes to inspiring chills in anyone who happens to be listening. My Luv Notes is being herself with us here, embracing the experimental and successfully distinguishing herself from other artists who, much like her, have been trying to produce a balanced hip-hop/R&B hybrid for over a generation, with admittedly mixed results (at best).
Summer has finally found the missing piece of its soundtrack in this chic new single from My Luv Notes, and if you haven’t already taken the time to give its parent album, Day Late, a spin, I would highly recommend doing so this July. In terms of unrepentantly rhythmic beats, this singer/songwriter is a one of a kind gem that has been making noise within her scene for two years now and may well break through to the mainstream side of the dial on the strength of this latest studio cut. There’s no denying that she’s worthy of all the attention she’s been getting, and after hearing this track, I would have to say that she’s more than ready for the spotlight of the primetime stage.
Jamie Morse
The music of MY LUV NOTES has been heard all over the world due to the radio plugging services offered by Musik and Film Records. Learn more –