Steven Brown Gives It up For the Man Upstairs

steven-brown-reviewWhen you want a well-rounded musician, look no further than Steven Brown. He’s a father, grandpa, singer, songwriter, speaker, comedian and more! He brings his faith to the forefront with engaging music and heart. “I’ve Been Saved” sounds like it’s straight of the gospel. It’s an upbeat song about being saved by the man upstairs that is a lively take on the Lord. It’s not your old school church song, it’s fresh and new. “Through Every Storm” slows it down, but still sounds modern and showcases more of Steven’s vocal skills than anything else. Then Steven shows off his manners with “Thank You.” It’s a song that could be a nice Sunday sing-along. It’s got this crowd feel that would be very powerful sung by a group of believers. Then you have a nice, jolly ditty like “Heaven Is A Better Place.” You can’t go wrong with a fun song like this that has a deep meaning masked up lighthearted sounds in the musical department. If you’re a fan of Christian music and like it done in an AC way, check out Steven Brown. (