The Heart of Kommoner

Kommoner is a man with a guitar who channels all his emotion and pours it out on the strings before him. “Come This Way” is an acoustic track that sounds like early ’90s alternative. If you remember that era, it was all about feeling down and expressing it through song in a manner that was a bit grungy but all around appealing. With “The Beginning The End” the music at the start sounds a little light but once the vocals kick in we’re met with that same tone of the first. Getting into “I Wanna Go” you have a more singer songwriter feel going on, but on the level of a heartbroken man. It sounds like Kommoner is in a lot of pain here. Not in a bad way, in a way that lets you know how much he put his heart into the song. If you’re a fan of ’90s era alternative music that is emotional and raw, check out Kommoner sooner than later. (