Yoshi Wows With A New String of Releases

Fresh Hip Hop Stylings Are The Next Great Hits

Atlanta, Ga – July 8, 2020 – Hip Hop artist Yoshi hopes to thrill his listeners with a chain of new singles being released. The songs are a mix of cool lyrics and unique beats that fans will be rushing to add to their playlist.

The new singles begin with “Pledge to the flag” which dropped on July 3rd and “No problems” which dropped. In late May there was a 3rd release. New tunes dropping on the 4th of July titled “All Eye Know” these all will be a part of two upcoming projects “Hello Again” & “Blu Yoshiii.” Yoshi also released a project called “Goofi Juice 6 Trapping in Wonderland,” telling a unique musical story.

Yoshi was born in Cincinnati, but migrated to where the music was, Atlanta.The rapper and entertainer, also known as the ‘Cat in the Hat That Can Rap’, is taking his infectious stage presence from State to State, keeping his signature top hat by his side. Yoshi is a stand out amongst Atlanta’s rising acts with his unique twist on the typical “trap” music often found there. He is a success story, going from being homeless to sharing his jams at large music festivals such as  SXSW in Austin, TX, and Atlanta’s prominent A3C Festival and Conference. 

To listen to more of his music, or to reach out to Yoshi for an interview on their site, podcast, or radio show can reach out via the information provided below.

For more beats by Yoshi, please visit:

Christopher Jackson
[email protected]

“Pledge to the Flag”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfsyilvv2Ms
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kingyoshiman
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/kingyoshiman
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/yoshicrew

This article first appeared on ArtistPR.com Press Release