Rebirth of Flute and Stunning Musical Composition: Presenting to the World Carlos Verde Jr.

Carlos Verse Jr. celebrates life and breathes a sense of peace and serenity into his musical compositions, making music that echoes the spirit of unity and complement tunes with soulful lyricism.

North Hills, CA  – January 15th, 2021 – Alternative Music and Ambient vibes are not the genres which have experienced much evolution and change over the changes. However, with the stunning artistic spirit that Carlos Verde Jr. plans to bring to the genre, this is a pattern that is set to change. Now set to be enjoyed and celebrated in distribution and downloads by listeners, the compositions of Carlos Verde Jr. are prepared to ensure that his compositions continue to establish himself and the unique rich genre he is soulfully enriching and contributing. A singer for the world, the musician is all set to have his album “Mambo at The Shop” and three stunning singles to accompany and complement his album.

With rich thematic contributions that through the power of music ensure that life is celebration and the music he produces is one that is soul-stirring and soothing for individuals. His stunning and original compositions are inspirational & motivating stories which focus on numerous striking aspects. Carlos Verse Jr. believes that with his great composition titled “Short Stories & Paintings” listeners will be encouraged to pursue a creative mind and heart. Carlos Verde Jr. plays along with the richness of genres such as Afro Cuban, Brazilian & Symphonic Jazz that stirs the heart and soul.

His album titled “Mambo at THE SHOP” is the stunning result of collective efforts by the band titled “CACHE” which is another word for elegance, class and suave. The album “Mambo at THE SHOP” is a product of Carlos Verde Jr. on flutes, saxes and composition, Jim Templeton on piano and keyboards, Dave Turner on Acoustic and Ele. Bass, Miguel Cortéz the “El General ” and Jorge De La Rosa.


Carlos Eduardo Verde Jr. is a stunning up-and-coming musician and producer who deals with the Flutes and Saxes. Carlos considers his main key source of inspiration to be Jehovah God and claims that all of his motivation and honor is due to the beauty of God. He strongly believes that his musical compositions are gifted offerings, and he claims that it is through musical compositions that he is able to breathe soul into music and provide people through his calling. He dedicates his musical career to his mother and his musical curation and production is one that reflects richness of emotions and familial connection. Music that connects to people and motivates them to act a certain way is what inspires Carlos Eduardo to spin stories and magic through his music and make sure that his message of love, kindness and endurance is communicated.



Name: Carlos Eduardo Jr.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (818)231-2952




