The Blue Angels City Experience Offer Healing To Listeners

Latest Songs Are About Overcoming Personal Demons

Navarre, Fla – November 18, 2020 – The Blue Angels City Experience, the music project of Samuel Goodwin, is hoping to help others during personal crises with songs containing a powerful message. The tracks contain strength and hope within each message. They strongly reflect the goals of the band to advocate for mental health.

Samuel, who goes by artist name, BolYt Thundah Stormm, has created three and a half songs from scratch. The song titles are “Before the Stormm”, “Paris Rising,” “My Hero is your Hero,” “D.n.A.” and “Piano Man Multiverse Remix.” Each track is carefully mixed and sends a message to people who have PTSD and other mental issues.  The songs express the artist’s desire to help others. Samuel states, “I want to be an advocate for the people who have serious PTSD and those who have been abused in any way for seventeen years I’ve endured physical and mental and emotional abuse and all mental abuse victims I want to change disability into ability.” The songs will soon be available on streaming platforms worldwide.

Samuel Goodwin has made music for nearly five years. The artist strongly believes in the healing power of music. Samuel began making music to help people who have had a rough childhood or suffered other types of mental trauma. He also wants to show the world it doesn’t need sex and violence to make music popular. Samuel will continue to push his message of hope and endurance as long as he makes music. He is definitely an artist to look out for.

To listen to more of his music, or for interested parties to reach out to The Blue Angels City Experience/Samuel Goodwin for an interview on their site, podcast, or radio show, you can make contact via the information provided below.

The Blue Angels City Experience
BolYt Thundah Stormm
Samuel Goodwin
[email protected]


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