Zach Linley and the Rebel Daredevils

Artist: Zach Linley and the Rebel Daredevils

EP: What it Takes


Zach Linley and the Rebel Daredevils is a guitar driven Rock band from Illinois. This latest What It Takes EP delivers and will reveal all the a-typical conventions of today’s modern country-rock so many adore. This creates a solid sonic space for the listener to bask in.

The first track the bold “Cold Dead Hands” pretty much says it all. This song will ring true for many who don’t exactly want to part with their Smith and Wesson. This intro track lifts off the ground smoothly and is in itself an impressive kickoff statement to say the least. It’s remarkably easy to listen, and gravities you right away like a magnet. All songs present a stunning collection of music that slowly runs the gamut and has much to offer insofar as impressive music and captivating vocals and lyrical content that say a lot about the artist. One cannot help but admire artists with strong songwriting skills and truthful conviction all the while demonstrating a strong a level of creativity. One senses a growing ambition as this EP advances. Linley’s appealing voice hits the mark and with soul stimulating lyrics and a hooky vibe provides a very real and powerful source of inspiration. The musicianship is rock steady and the overall production value tows the line. All in all a great set of songs with a lot of character. Speaking of which notable standouts for me include: “Cold Dead Hands”, “Honkey Tonk Heaven” and “Sick and Tired.” If you want a rock-steady country-rock staple there’s something on this EP for you. Once again, the band backing him up is rock solid. Let me go on record by saying Zach Linley and the Rebel Daredevils are doing all the right things, any way you look at them. Obviously many will fall head over heels over these 5. The thing I like the most about him, he’s not trying to be something he’s not. This is one band that’s set up rather well for mainstream success this year. Some of this plays into strong marketability potential world wide. Some pieces present more modern sounding overtones but despite all this this, it still possesses a traditional Rock n’ Roll textures with some Americana thrown in. This is really what makes these guys so enticing to me personally. Music reminded me of Montgomery Gentry, Tim McGraw, and Brad Paisley. This CD is entertaining overall and the vocal style and songwriting touch are straight from the heart via well-crafted movements and top tiered musicianship. The overall production value is professional grade – no issues there.

Zach Linley has proven himself with this latest release. He’s clearly an up and coming talent around Illinois and he walks the walk. All players, including Briney are capable musicians. What’s more his overall songwriting and emotional vocal style is the main ingredient here that makes it all shine like a priceless diamond. In close this 5 song staple by Zach Linley and the Rebel Daredevils possesses a reckless American spirit that can’t be tamed. It also grants you rare access to peer into the soul of an artist with a not so tormented soul but rather easy going and positive – from a Champagne, Illinois perspective shall we say.

Final Rating: 9/10

Review by Clay Dunham

One thought on “Zach Linley and the Rebel Daredevils

  • Mary

    Super talented group, “What it Takes” is my favorite song to date. The song appeals to the working man, and speaks for the values of the songwriter. With Zach’s voice backed up with the talent of the dare devils I know we will be hearing more of them in the future.

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